News from In View

[For the week starting 7th July 2024]

Friends of St John's: If you would like to be a friend of St John's or know someone else who would like to be, please speak with the Clergy or Church Wardens for more info.

Card Reader: We are now able to receive donations by Debit or Credit card. If you want to gift aid a 'Goodbox' contactless payment you can fill in a white envelope putting the amount given on the envelope.

Porch Produce: Thank you for your support with your produce to help with fundraising.

If you are interested in joining the Choir - please see Maddie Murray our Choir Coordinator. The choir will be involved in our worship on the first Sunday of each month.

If people want to Gift Aid a contactless payment - fill in a white envelope and put the amount given on the envelope.

Foodbank box - is in Church for any contributions. Toiletries are also needed. Thank you.

Refreshments - please remember that refreshments are provided after the 10am Sunday service. We would love to see you there.

Our Parish Offers - 2 house groups and study courses. For further info please speak with the clergy or church wardens.

Church rotas - If you would be interested in joining one of our Sunday service church rotas eg prayers, readings etc.. please speak to one of our Church Wardens.

Friday morning home group - will be meeting on 28th June, 5th , 12th and 19th July.  10.30am for coffee, we aim to finish by noon. 68 Church Road. We will be looking at the Creed.

BBQ at Borough Farm - Sunday 30th June. A big thank you to Nicki and John for their hospitality at this lovely event.

Tea & Swim at Borough Farm - Sunday July 14th.

Bishop Paul - will be with us for the 10am service on Sunday 4th August.

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