News from In View

[For the week starting 16th March 2025]

Friends of St John's: If you would like to be a friend of St John's or know someone else who would like to be, please speak with the Clergy or Church Wardens for more info.

Card Reader: We are now able to receive donations by Debit or Credit card. If you want to gift aid a 'Goodbox' contactless payment you can fill in a white envelope putting the amount given on the envelope.

If you are interested in joining the Choir - please see Maddie Murray our Choir Coordinator. The choir will be involved in our worship on the first Sunday of each month.

If people want to Gift Aid a Goodbox contactless payment - fill in a white envelope and put the amount given on the envelope.

Foodbank box - is in Church for any contributions. Toiletries are also needed. Thank you.

Refreshments - please remember that refreshments are provided after the 10am Sunday service. We would love to see you there.

Our Parish Offers - 2 house groups and study courses. For further info please speak with the clergy or church wardens.

Church rotas - If you would be interested in joining one of our Sunday service church rotas eg prayers, readings etc.. please speak to one of our Church Wardens.

What hymns would you like to sing? - Please let Peter or one of the wardens know so that they can be included in a service.

Lent lunches - We plan to have a series of Lent discussions followed by a simple soup lunch starting on Thursday 13th March at 11am. The discussions will be around our favourite hymns and why.

Friday morning home group - meets again every Friday in March at 10.30am for coffee, finishing around 12. Each week we'll be looking at the three readings for the following Sunday.

Mothers Union - will meet every 4th Wednesday at 2.30pm. All welcome. Please see Penny Clark. (No meeting on 26th March).

Greetings cards - will be available in the Church Centre afte rthe 10am service on 23rd and 30th March, supplied by the MU.

Easter Lillies - will again be offered for those who wish to remember someone over the Easter period. Please see Pam.


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